We don't need no stinkin' slides!
Please close your laptops!
- The full text of this talk is online and I will give you the link at the end of my talk.
- You can rake me over the coals on Twitter later. ;-)
- Let's take full advantage of our time together.
I have a confession to make...
- I work for a vendor.
- I know, I know...
- But our product is free!
- As in beer, not as in speech...
- :-/
- the tool: https://github.com/Soltra/cti-stats
- the analysis: http://cyboxproject.github.io/cti-stats/
Buy this book!
- http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032991.do
Like I promised...
- The full text of this talk is available here: http://prognos.is/talks/munich_first_tc_threat_intelligence/